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Reinforce is a late game system unlocked at sector 80.

Major Spoilers for Sectors 80+ (click here to dismiss)


Reinforcing allows players to reset nearly everything to get Fleet Power, which grants bonuses. Currently, players can reinforce at sectors 80, 85, 90, and 95 to reach 1, 9, 98, and 1085 Fleet Power respectively*. Reinforcing at these thresholds will also grant the following consumables:

  • 4 extra retrofits
  • 4 base prestiges
  • 2 crew sleeve resets
  • 2 6 hour timeskips
  • 1 crew mastery respec.

List of things that do not reset on Reinforce:

  • Keep all previous Reinforce bonuses.
  • Achievements, skins and anything under the AI tab do not reset.
  • Sector Data shows sectors cleared in previous reinforces even if not cleared in currnet reinforce.
  • Keep Reactor's Engine Boost at level 12, even before unlocking Base 1.
  • Keep "Compute Improvements" upgrade from Base 2 even before unlocking base 2.
  • Shards automatically count as maxed as soon as the same one of a higher tier is obtained.
  • Task list does not need to be redone. Reaching sector 75 will automatically unlock Battle Cruiser and using Battle Cruiser will automatically cap compute at 1e22x damage/shield.
  • V-Device slots unlocked by Key Shards as well as any shard inside them do not reset.

* The actual formula used to calculate fleet power is fibonacci([highest reached sector this reinforce] - 79), meaning the highest fleet power values can be reached when reinforcing at sectors 84, 89, 94, and 99, respectively. This currently has no use and only makes the run harder.

List of Reinforce Bonuses

Reaching any of the Fleet Power milestones will grant the entire line of upgrades. Hover for details.

R1, 1 Fleet Power

Reinforce BonusAll Capital Damage x2
All Capital Max Shields x2
Damage x10
Max Shields x10
Fighter Damage x1.25
Fighter Durability x1.25
Fighter Efficiency x1.25
Salvage Amount Multiplier x10
Void Matter Drop Amount x10
Compute Speed x10
Synth Speed x5
Shard Drop Rate x500
Previously Completed Shard Drop Amount x3
Max Void Power x10
Void Power Generation x10
Bonus to Research x10
Base 1-4 Production Multiplier x30
Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x5
Warp Essence Unique Completions Coefficient + 0.003
Crew XP Gain Multiplier x3
Maximum Active Crew + 1
Starting Bio Sleeves + 2
Bio Sleeve Generation Speed x2
Sector XP Gain Growth + 0.1
Retrofits + 1
Engine Speed x1.25
Ship UpgradesNew Utility Core will be unlockable
Keep 2 Challenge CompletionKeep 2 completion of all challenges
Challenge Auto Complete + 2
Base 5 ConversionConverts the enemy base from sector 74 into a base usable by us
Base ImprovementsFirst 2 Base Grids start fully unlocked. Extra upgrade on bases 3 and 4
Base Grids Unlocked on Reinforce + 2
Enemy Strength ReductionReduces enemy strength scaling in sectors 74 and below
Enemy Strength Reduction + 0.2
Enemy Strength Reduction Sector + 74
Warp SyncAutomatically set all warp levels to your highest on completion and unlocks them from alternate routes up to 75
Warp Auto Sync + 75
Smarter CraftSynth automatically switches to another recipe upon reaching max level
Synth Smarter Craft + 1
Crew Mastery Progress FloorKeep up to 10% of the total progress to the next mastery on prestige
Crew Mastery Progress Keep + 0.1

R2, 9 Fleet Power

Reinforce BonusAll Capital Damage x2.5
All Capital Max Shields x2.5
Damage x10
Max Shields x10
Fighter Damage x1.25
Fighter Durability x1.25
Fighter Efficiency x1.25
Compute Speed x10
Synth Speed x5
Shard Drop Rate x100
Shard Drop Amount x2
Previously Completed Shard Drop Amount x3
Max Void Power x10
Void Power Generation x10
Bonus to Research x10
Base 1-4 Production Multiplier x4
Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x1.5
Warp Essence Unique Completions Coefficient + 0.001
Crew XP Gain Multiplier x3
Starting Bio Sleeves + 1
Sector XP Gain Growth + 0.1
Ship UpgradesBattle Cruiser has a new innate upgrade and a new Hangar Core will be unlockable
Keep All Challenge CompletionsKeep all completions of all challenges
Challenge Auto Complete + 7
Crew keep 1 MasteryCrew start at mastery 1
Crew Starting Mastery Level + 1
Base Grid UnlockBase 3 and 4 Grids start fully unlocked.
Base Grids Unlocked on Reinforce + 2
Tracking ImprovementsImproved Tracking on weapons and Ablative Shielding on shields no longer resets on prestige
Data Core SyncAutomatically get datacore from alternate routes when clearing a sector
Data Core Sync + 1
Crew Mastery ScalingMastery levels grant scaling scaling delay
Mastery Bonus Scaling + 0.5

R3, 98 Fleet Power

Reinforce BonusAll Capital Damage x5
All Capital Max Shields x5
Damage x10
Max Shields x10
Fighter Damage x1.5
Fighter Durability x1.5
Fighter Efficiency x1.5
Synth Speed x5
Shard Drop Rate x100
Previously Completed Shard Drop Amount x2
Bonus to Applied Research x10
Bonus to Fundamental Research x10
Base 5 Production Multiplier x10
Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x3
Warp Essence Unique Completions Coefficient + 0.001
Crew XP Gain Multiplier x3
Starting Bio Sleeves + 1
Sector XP Gain Growth + 0.1
Ship UpgradesBattle Cruiser has an extra Hangar and a new Utility Core will be unlockable
Crew Mastery Progress FloorKeep up to 15% of the total progress to the next mastery on prestige
Crew Mastery Progress Keep + 0.05
Crew keep 2 MasteryCrew start at mastery 2
Crew Starting Mastery Level + 1
Data Core RetrofitRetrofits now refund spent datacores
Data Core Retrofit + 1
Warp SyncAutomatically set all warp levels to your highest on completion and unlocks them from alternate routes up to 85
Warp Auto Sync + 10

R4, 1085 Fleet Power

Reinforce BonusAll Capital Damage x5
All Capital Max Shields x5
Damage x10
Max Shields x10
Fighter Damage x1.5
Fighter Durability x1.5
Fighter Efficiency x1.5
Compute Speed x10
Synth Speed x5
Shard Drop Rate x100
Previously Completed Shard Drop Amount x2
Bonus to Applied Research x5
Bonus to Fundamental Research x5
Base 5 Production Multiplier x5
Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x5
Overdrive Charge Speed x3
Starting Bio Sleeves + 1
Ship UpgradesNew Weapon Core will be unlockable
Research UnderstandingAfter unlocking Capital Research and when in a Capital Ship MEO Unbound researches will be maxed out
Crew keep 3 MasteryCrew start at mastery 3
Crew Starting Mastery Level + 1
Veiled Enemy HarvestingA new type of research will be availiable related to Veiled Enemies

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