Official Unnamed Space Idle Wiki
Named spaces are overrated


From Official Unnamed Space Idle Wiki
The Research screen

Research is one of the systems in Unnamed Space Idle. Here players can select different rewards to develop and focus on, granting different permanent bonuses and effects. These rewards are split into different branches, with each branch having it's own research income. This article shows the full rewards granted on successful completion, however you will continuously gain more and more of the full effect as you fill up the bar. Research is gained by destroying enemy ships, except those spawned by other enemies.

Normal research is unlocked by reaching sector 7.

Normal Research[edit | edit source]

There are three branches of normal research: Material, Energy, and Observational. Each sector has different density values for these different branches, which determine how much research the selected reward in each branch will get on enemy kills (excluding any bonuses and multipliers). Additionally, one of the three branches can be focused at any time, granting it an extra multiplier(default to 9x research gain). Focusing on one branch does not decrease the research gain of the other two branches!

Material Research

Compute Speed 3000

Compute Speed Compute Speed x1.25

Salvage Gain 3000

Salvage Gain Salvage Amount Multiplier x1.25

Additional Synth Slot 1.80e4

Additional Synth Slot Unlocks an additional slot to Synth in

Improved Tooling 2.70e4

Improved Tooling Damage x1.2

Improved Capacitors 2.70e4

Improved Capacitors Max Shields x1.2

Salvage Wreck Harvesting 8.10e4

Salvage Wreck Harvesting Salvage Scrap Multiplier x1.5

Shard Resonance 8.10e4

Shard Resonance Shard Drop Amount + 1

Improved Synthing 2.43e5

Improved Synthing Synth Speed x1.35

Compute Speed 2.43e5

Compute Speed Compute Speed x1.25

Salvage Gain 1.46e6

Salvage Gain Salvage Amount Multiplier x2

Salvage Wreck Harvesting 2.19e6

Salvage Wreck Harvesting Salvage Scrap Multiplier x2

Unfocused Research Gain 2.19e6

Unfocused Research Gain Bonus to Non-Focused Research x2

Improved Tooling 6.56e6

Improved Tooling Damage x1.3

Improved Capacitors 6.56e6

Improved Capacitors Max Shields x1.3

Improved Synthing 3.94e7

Improved Synthing Synth Speed x1.25

Compute Speed 5.90e7

Compute Speed Compute Speed x1.25

Salvage Gain 5.90e7

Salvage Gain Salvage Amount Multiplier x2

Shard Resonance 3.54e8

Shard Resonance Shard Drop Amount + 1

Salvage Wreck Harvesting 1.06e9

Salvage Wreck Harvesting Salvage Scrap Multiplier x2

Improved Tooling 1.59e9

Improved Tooling Damage x1.3

Improved Capacitors 1.59e9

Improved Capacitors Max Shields x1.3

Base 1 Production+ 4.78e9

Base 1 Production+ Base 1 Building Material Multiplier x3

Battle Components+ 4.78e9

Battle Components+ Battle Components Gain x2

Improved Synthing 2.87e10

Improved Synthing Synth Speed x1.25

Compute Speed 4.78e10

Compute Speed Compute Speed x1.25

Salvage Gain 4.78e10

Salvage Gain Salvage Amount Multiplier x2

Salvage Wreck Harvesting 2.58e11

Salvage Wreck Harvesting Salvage Scrap Multiplier x2

Improved Tooling 3.87e11

Improved Tooling Damage x1.3

Improved Capacitors 3.87e11

Improved Capacitors Max Shields x1.3

Improved Synthing 1.50e13

Improved Synthing Synth Speed x1.5

Compute Speed 1.50e13

Compute Speed Compute Speed x2

Salvage Gain 1.50e14

Salvage Gain Salvage Amount Multiplier x3

Battle Components+ 1.50e14

Battle Components+ Battle Components Gain x3

Improved Tooling 1.50e15

Improved Tooling Damage x1.5

Improved Capacitors 1.50e15

Improved Capacitors Max Shields x1.5

Improved Synthing 1.50e16

Improved Synthing Synth Speed x1.5

Compute Speed 1.50e16

Compute Speed Compute Speed x2

Salvage Gain 1.50e17

Salvage Gain Salvage Amount Multiplier x3

Battle Components+ 1.50e17

Battle Components+ Battle Components Gain x3

Salvage Wreck Harvesting 3.00e18

Salvage Wreck Harvesting Salvage Scrap Multiplier x2

Improved Synthing 3.00e19

Improved Synthing Synth Speed x1.5

Compute Speed 3.00e20

Compute Speed Compute Speed x2

Salvage Gain 3.00e21

Salvage Gain Salvage Amount Multiplier x3

Unbound Research Unlocks new Salvage Gain (2e22 cost) and Synth (2e24 cost) research options

Unbound Research Unlocks new Salvage Gain (2e22 cost) and Synth (2e24 cost) research options
Achieve better understanding and unlock new unending Salvage Gain and Synth research when all 3 types are completed.

Energy Research

Power Amplification 3000

Power Amplification Damage x1.2

Shield Draw Efficiency 3000

Shield Draw Efficiency Max Shields x1.2

Engine 9000

Engine Engine Speed x1.5

VP Max 9000

VP Max Max Void Power x2

VP Max Running 5.40e4

VP Max Running Max Concurrent Boosts +1

VP Generation 8.10e4

VP Generation Void Power Generation x1.25

VM Conversion Time 8.10e4

VM Conversion Time Void Matter Conversion Time x1.1

VP Max 2.43e5

VP Max Max Void Power x2

Compute Power 2.43e5

Compute Power Compute Power x1.25

Engine 1.46e6

Engine Engine Speed x1.5

Power Amplification 2.19e6

Power Amplification Damage x1.3

Shield Draw Efficiency 2.19e6

Shield Draw Efficiency Max Shields x1.3

VP Max Running 1.31e7

VP Max Running Max Concurrent Boosts +1

VP Max 1.97e7

VP Max Max Void Power x2

VM Conversion Amount 1.97e7

VM Conversion Amount Void Matter Conversion Max x2

VP Generation 5.90e7

VP Generation Void Power Generation x1.25

VM Conversion Time 5.90e7

VM Conversion Time Void Matter Conversion Time x1.1

Power Amplification 1.77e8

Power Amplification Damage x1.3

Shield Draw Efficiency 1.77e8

Shield Draw Efficiency Max Shields x1.3

Compute Power 1.06e9

Compute Power Compute Power x1.25

Engine 1.59e9

Engine Engine Speed x1.25

VP Max 1.59e9

VP Max Max Void Power x2

VP Generation 9.57e9

VP Generation Void Power Generation x1.25

VM Conversion Time 2.87e10

VM Conversion Time Void Matter Conversion Time x1.1

Power Amplification 4.78e10

Power Amplification Damage x1.2

Shield Draw Efficiency 4.78e10

Shield Draw Efficiency Max Shields x1.2

VM Conversion Amount 2.58e11

VM Conversion Amount Void Matter Conversion Max x4

Compute Power 7.75e11

Compute Power Compute Power x1.25

VP Max 1.50e13

VP Max Max Void Power x2.5

VM Generation 1.50e13

VM Generation Void Power Generation x1.5

Power Amplification 1.50e14

Power Amplification Damage x1.5

Shield Draw Efficiency 1.50e14

Shield Draw Efficiency Max Shields x1.5

VM Conversion Amount 1.50e14

VM Conversion Amount Void Matter Conversion Max x4

Compute Power 1.50e14

Compute Power Compute Power x2

VP Max 1.50e16

VP Max Max Void Power x2.5

VM Generation 1.50e16

VM Generation Void Power Generation x1.5

Power Amplification 1.50e17

Power Amplification Damage x1.5

Shield Draw Efficiency 1.50e17

Shield Draw Efficiency Max Shields x1.5

VM Conversion Amount 3.00e18

VM Conversion Amount Void Matter Conversion Max x4

Compute Power 3.00e19

Compute Power Compute Power x1.25

VP Max 3.00e20

VP Max Max Void Power x2.5

VP Generation 3.00e21

VP Generation Void Power Generation x1.5

Unbound Research Unlocks new VP Max (2e22 cost) and VP gen (2e24 cost) research options

Unbound Research Unlocks new Salvage Gain (2e22 cost) and Synth (2e24 cost) research options
Achieve better understanding and unlock new unending VP Gen and Max research when all 3 types are completed.

Observational Research

VM Drop Rate 3000

VM Drop Rate Void Matter Drop Rate x1.25

VM Gain 3000

VM Gain Void Matter Drop Amount x1.25

Shard Drop Rate 9000

Shard Drop Rate Shard Drop Rate x1.25

Fire Rate 9000

Fire Rate Fire Rate x1.05

Research Gain 5.40e4

Research Gain Bonus to Research x1.5

Improved Targeting Range 1.62e5

Improved Targeting Range Max Range +10%

Improved Targeting 2.43e5

Improved Targeting Damage x1.2

Defensive Adaptation 2.43e5

Defensive Adaptation Max Shields x1.2

VM Gain 1.46e6

VM Gain Void Matter Drop Amount x1.5

Shard Drop Rate 2.19e6

Shard Drop Rate Shard Drop Rate x1.5

VM Drop Rate 2.19e6

VM Drop Rate Void Matter Drop Rate x1.25

Research Gain 1.31e7

Research Gain {{{Desc}}}

Improved Targeting Range 3.94e7

Improved Targeting Range Max Range +10%

Improved Targeting 5.90e7

Improved Targeting Damage x1.3

Defensive Adaptation 5.90e7

Defensive Adaptation Max Shields x1.3

Fire Rate 3.54e8

Fire Rate Fire Rate x1.05

VM Gain 5.31e8

VM Gain Void Matter Drop Amount x1.5

VM Drop Rate 5.31e8

VM Drop Rate Void Matter Drop Rate x1.25

Shard Drop Rate 3.19e9

Shard Drop Rate Shard Drop Rate x1.5

Research Gain 9.57e9

Research Gain Bonus to Research x1.5

Defensive Adaptation 1.43e10

Defensive Adaptation Max Shields x1.2

Void Energy Boost 8.61e10

Void Energy Boost Boosts boost from picking up void energy by 25%

VM Gain 2.58e11

VM Gain Void Matter Drop Amount x1.5

Shard Drop Rate 7.75e11

Shard Drop Rate Shard Drop Rate x1.5

Improved Targeting 1.50e13

Improved Targeting Damage x1.5

Defensive Adaptation 1.50e13

Defensive Adaptation Max Shields x1.5

VM Gain 1.50e14

VM Gain Void Matter Drop Amount x2

Research Gain 1.50e14

Research Gain Bonus to Research x3

Shard Drop Rate 3.00e15

Shard Drop Rate Shard Drop Rate x2

Improved Targeting 1.50e16

Improved Targeting Damage x1.5

Defensive Adaptation 1.50e16

Defensive Adaptation Max Shields x1.5

VM Gain 1.50e17

VM Gain Void Matter Drop Amount x2

Research Gain 1.50e17

Research Gain Bonus to Research x3

Improved Targeting 3.00e18

Improved Targeting Damage x1.5

Defensive Adaptation 3.00e19

Defensive Adaptation Max Shields x1.5

VM Gain 3.00e20

VM Gain Void Matter Drop Amount x2

Research Gain 3.00e21

Research Gain Bonus to Research x3

Unbound Research Unlocks new Shard Drop Rate (2e22 cost) and Research Gain (2e24 cost) research options

Unbound Research Unlocks new Salvage Gain (2e22 cost) and Synth (2e24 cost) research options
Achieve better understanding and unlock new unending Shard Drop Rate and Research Gain research when all 3 types are completed.

Unbound Research[edit | edit source]

After the last reward was completed for all three branches of normal research, the player unlocks two unbound research options, which scale forever. Only one of these can be selected per branch.

Unbound Material Research

Unbound Salvage Gain 1.00e22

Unbound Salvage Gain Scales Forever 1.8x for every order of magnitude above 1e22

Unbound Synth Speed 1.00e24

Unbound Synth Speed Scales Forever 1.2x for every order of magnitude above 1e24

Unbound Energy Research

Unbound VP Max 1.00e22

Unbound VP Max Scales Forever 2.0x for every order of magnitude above 1e22

Unbound VP Generation 1.00e24

Unbound VP Generation Scales Forever 1.8x for every order of magnitude above 1e24

Unbound Observational Research

Unbound Shard Drop Rate 1.00e22

Unbound Shard Drop Rate Scales Forever 1.25x for every order of magnitude above 1e22

Unbound Research Gain 1.00e24

Unbound Research Gain Scales Forever 1.2x for every order of magnitude above 1e24

This effect is multiplicative with itself and it's important to push the maximum in all 6 unbound research options as high as possible every now and then.

Capital Research[edit | edit source]

Major Spoilers for R1, Sectors 74+ (click here to dismiss)

Capital research is unlocked by reinforcing once, reaching sector 74, then getting the "Capital Research" upgrade from base 5. There are two branches of capital research: Applied and Fundamental. Capital research can only progress if a data core is assigned to one of it's branches, which can be obtained from killing capital bosses. More data cores increase capital research gain with the formula cores^2(cores^3 if you have the Data Core Mastery). Normal research bonus applies to capital but is log'd and the focus does not apply. Sector density has no effect except that capital research only progresses in sector 75 and above.

Applied Research

Capital Damage 1.00e4

Capital Damage All Capital Damage x1.5

Capital Shield 1.00e4

Capital Shield All Capital Max Shields x1.5

Compute Power 1.00e4

Compute Power Compute Power x2

Engineering Gain 1.00e5

Engineering Gain Engineering XP Gain Multiplier x4

Acumen Gain 1.00e5

Acumen Gain Acumen XP Gain Multiplier x4

Warp Essence Gain 1.00e5

Warp Essence Gain Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x1.25

Fighter Efficiency 3.00e6

Fighter Efficiency Fighter Efficiency x1.25

Capital Damage 1.00e7

Capital Damage All Capital Damage x1.5

Capital Shield 1.00e7

Capital Shield All Capital Max Shields x1.5

Compute Power 1.00e7

Compute Power Compute Power x2

Engineering Gain 1.00e8

Engineering Gain Engineering XP Gain Multiplier x4

Acumen Gain 1.00e8

Acumen Gain Acumen XP Gain Multiplier x4

Warp Essence Gain 1.00e8

Warp Essence Gain Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x1.25

Fighter Efficiency 3.00e9

Fighter Efficiency Fighter Efficiency x1.25

Capital Damage 1.00e10

Capital Damage All Capital Damage x1.5

Capital Shield 1.00e10

Capital Shield All Capital Max Shields x1.5

Compute Power 1.00e10

Compute Power Compute Power x2

Engineering Gain 1.00e11

Engineering Gain Engineering XP Gain Multiplier x4

Acumen Gain 1.00e11

Acumen Gain Acumen XP Gain Multiplier x4

Warp Essence Gain 1.00e11

Warp Essence Gain Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x1.25

Fighter Efficiency 1.50e12

Fighter Efficiency Fighter Efficiency x1.25

Primary Stat Scaling Delay 1.50e12

Primary Stat Scaling Delay Primary Stat Scaling Delay +15

Capital Damage 1.00e13

Capital Damage All Capital Damage x1.5

Capital Shield 1.00e13

Capital Shield All Capital Max Shields x1.5

Compute Power 1.00e13

Compute Power Compute Power x2

Engineering Gain 1.00e14

Engineering Gain Engineering XP Gain Multiplier x4

Acumen Gain 1.00e14

Acumen Gain Acumen XP Gain Multiplier x4

Warp Essence Gain 1.00e14

Warp Essence Gain Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x1.25

Fighter Efficiency 3.00e15

Fighter Efficiency Fighter Efficiency x1.25

Capital Damage 1.00e16

Capital Damage All Capital Damage x1.5

Capital Shield 1.00e16

Capital Shield All Capital Max Shields x1.5

Compute Power 1.00e16

Compute Power Compute Power x2

Engineering Gain 1.00e17

Engineering Gain Engineering XP Gain Multiplier x4

Acumen Gain 1.00e17

Acumen Gain Acumen XP Gain Multiplier x4

Warp Essence Gain 1.00e17

Warp Essence Gain Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x1.25

Fighter Efficiency 3.00e18

Fighter Efficiency Fighter Efficiency x1.25

Capital Damage 1.00e19

Capital Damage All Capital Damage x1.5

Capital Shield 1.00e19

Capital Shield All Capital Max Shields x1.5

Compute Power 1.00e19

Compute Power Compute Power x2

Engineering Gain 1.00e20

Engineering Gain Engineering XP Gain Multiplier x4

Acumen Gain 1.00e20

Acumen Gain Acumen XP Gain Multiplier x4

Warp Essence Gain 1.00e20

Warp Essence Gain Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x1.25

Fighter Efficiency 1.50e21

Fighter Efficiency Fighter Efficiency x1.25

Primary Stat Scaling Delay 1.50e21

Primary Stat Scaling Delay Primary Stat Scaling Delay +15

Fixture Speed 3.00e22

Fixture Speed Fixture Creation Speed x1.5

Capital Damage 1.00e23

Capital Damage All Capital Damage x1.5

Capital Shield 1.00e23

Capital Shield All Capital Max Shields x1.5

Compute Power 1.00e23

Compute Power Compute Power x2

Engineering Gain 1.00e24

Engineering Gain Engineering XP Gain Multiplier x4

Acumen Gain 1.00e24

Acumen Gain Acumen XP Gain Multiplier x4

Warp Essence Gain 1.00e24

Warp Essence Gain Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x1.25

Fighter Efficiency 3.00e25

Fighter Efficiency Fighter Efficiency x1.25

Fixture Speed 3.00e26

Fixture Speed Fixture Creation Speed x1.5

Capital Damage 1.00e27

Capital Damage All Capital Damage x1.5

Capital Shield 1.00e27

Capital Shield All Capital Max Shields x1.5

Compute Power 1.00e27

Compute Power Compute Power x2

Engineering Gain 1.00e28

Engineering Gain Engineering XP Gain Multiplier x4

Acumen Gain 1.00e28

Acumen Gain Acumen XP Gain Multiplier x4

Warp Essence Gain 1.00e28

Warp Essence Gain Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x1.25

Fighter Efficiency 3.00e29

Fighter Efficiency Fighter Efficiency x1.25

Fixture Speed 3.00e30

Fixture Speed Fixture Creation Speed x1.5

Capital Damage 1.00e31

Capital Damage All Capital Damage x1.5

Capital Shield 1.00e31

Capital Shield All Capital Max Shields x1.5

Compute Power 1.00e31

Compute Power Compute Power x2

Engineering Gain 1.00e32

Engineering Gain Engineering XP Gain Multiplier x4

Acumen Gain 1.00e32

Acumen Gain Acumen XP Gain Multiplier x4

Warp Essence Gain 1.00e32

Warp Essence Gain Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x1.25

Fighter Efficiency 1.50e33

Fighter Efficiency Fighter Efficiency x1.25

Primary Stat Scaling Delay 1.50e33

Primary Stat Scaling Delay Primary Stat Scaling Delay +15

Fixture Speed 3.00e34

Fixture Speed Fixture Creation Speed x1.5

Fundamental Research

Fighter Damage 1.00e4

Fighter Damage Fighter Damage x1.1

Fighter Durability 1.00e4

Fighter Durability Fighter Durability x1.1

Synth Speed 1.00e4

Synth Speed Synth Speed x1.25

Proficiency Gain 1.00e5

Proficiency Gain Proficiency XP Gain Multiplier x4

Ingenuity Gain 1.00e5

Ingenuity Gain Ingenuity XP Gain Multiplier x4

Compute Speed 1.00e5

Compute Speed Compute Speed x2

Crew Skill 3.00e6

Crew Skill Crew Skill +10%

Fighter Damage 1.00e7

Fighter Damage Fighter Damage x1.1

Fighter Durability 1.00e7

Fighter Durability Fighter Durability x1.1

Synth Speed 1.00e7

Synth Speed Synth Speed x1.25

Proficiency Gain 1.00e8

Proficiency Gain Proficiency XP Gain Multiplier x4

Ingenuity Gain 1.00e8

Ingenuity Gain Ingenuity XP Gain Multiplier x4

Compute Speed 1.00e8

Compute Speed Compute Speed x2

Crew Skill 3.00e9

Crew Skill Crew Skill +10%

Fighter Damage 1.00e10

Fighter Damage Fighter Damage x1.1

Fighter Durability 1.00e10

Fighter Durability Fighter Durability x1.1

Synth Speed 1.00e10

Synth Speed Synth Speed x1.25

Proficiency Gain 1.00e11

Proficiency Gain Proficiency XP Gain Multiplier x4

Ingenuity Gain 1.00e11

Ingenuity Gain Ingenuity XP Gain Multiplier x4

Compute Speed 1.00e11

Compute Speed Compute Speed x2

Crew Skill 1.50e12

Crew Skill Crew Skill +10%

Secondary Stat Scaling Delay 1.50e12

Secondary Stat Scaling Delay Secondary Stat Scaling Delay +10

Fighter Damage 1.00e13

Fighter Damage Fighter Damage x1.1

Fighter Durability 1.00e13

Fighter Durability Fighter Durability x1.1

Synth Speed 1.00e13

Synth Speed Synth Speed x1.25

Proficiency Gain 1.00e14

Proficiency Gain Proficiency XP Gain Multiplier x4

Ingenuity Gain 1.00e14

Ingenuity Gain Ingenuity XP Gain Multiplier x4

Compute Speed 1.00e14

Compute Speed Compute Speed x2

Crew Skill 3.00e15

Crew Skill Crew Skill +10%

Fighter Damage 1.00e16

Fighter Damage Fighter Damage x1.1

Fighter Durability 1.00e16

Fighter Durability Fighter Durability x1.1

Synth Speed 1.00e16

Synth Speed Synth Speed x1.25

Proficiency Gain 1.00e17

Proficiency Gain Proficiency XP Gain Multiplier x4

Ingenuity Gain 1.00e17

Ingenuity Gain Ingenuity XP Gain Multiplier x4

Compute Speed 1.00e17

Compute Speed Compute Speed x2

Crew Skill 3.00e18

Crew Skill Crew Skill +10%

Fighter Damage 1.00e19

Fighter Damage Fighter Damage x1.1

Fighter Durability 1.00e19

Fighter Durability Fighter Durability x1.1

Synth Speed 1.00e19

Synth Speed Synth Speed x1.25

Proficiency Gain 1.00e20

Proficiency Gain Proficiency XP Gain Multiplier x4

Ingenuity Gain 1.00e20

Ingenuity Gain Ingenuity XP Gain Multiplier x4

Compute Speed 1.00e20

Compute Speed Compute Speed x2

Crew Skill 1.50e21

Crew Skill Crew Skill +10%

Secondary Stat Scaling Delay 1.50e21

Secondary Stat Scaling Delay Secondary Stat Scaling Delay +10

Base 5 Production 3.00e22

Base 5 Production Base 5 Production Multiplier x3

Fighter Damage 1.00e23

Fighter Damage Fighter Damage x1.1

Fighter Durability 1.00e23

Fighter Durability Fighter Durability x1.1

Synth Speed 1.00e23

Synth Speed Synth Speed x1.25

Proficiency Gain 1.00e24

Proficiency Gain Proficiency XP Gain Multiplier x4

Ingenuity Gain 1.00e24

Ingenuity Gain Ingenuity XP Gain Multiplier x4

Compute Speed 1.00e24

Compute Speed Compute Speed x2

Crew Skill 3.00e25

Crew Skill Crew Skill +10%

Base 5 Production 3.00e26

Base 5 Production Base 5 Production Multiplier x3

Fighter Damage 1.00e27

Fighter Damage Fighter Damage x1.1

Fighter Durability 1.00e27

Fighter Durability Fighter Durability x1.1

Synth Speed 1.00e27

Synth Speed Synth Speed x1.25

Proficiency Gain 1.00e28

Proficiency Gain Proficiency XP Gain Multiplier x4

Ingenuity Gain 1.00e28

Ingenuity Gain Ingenuity XP Gain Multiplier x4

Compute Speed 1.00e28

Compute Speed Compute Speed x2

Crew Skill 3.00e29

Crew Skill Crew Skill +10%

Base 5 Production 3.00e30

Base 5 Production Base 5 Production Multiplier x3

Fighter Damage 1.00e31

Fighter Damage Fighter Damage x1.1

Fighter Durability 1.00e31

Fighter Durability Fighter Durability x1.1

Synth Speed 1.00e31

Synth Speed Synth Speed x1.25

Proficiency Gain 1.00e32

Proficiency Gain Proficiency XP Gain Multiplier x4

Ingenuity Gain 1.00e32

Ingenuity Gain Ingenuity XP Gain Multiplier x4

Compute Speed 1.00e32

Compute Speed Compute Speed x2

Crew Skill 1.50e33

Crew Skill Crew Skill +10%

Secondary Stat Scaling Delay 1.5e33

Secondary Stat Scaling Delay Secondary Stat Scaling Delay +10

Base 5 Production 3.00e34

Base 5 Production Base 5 Production Multiplier x3

Normal Research Mastered[edit | edit source]

Major Spoilers for R4, Sectors 74+ (click here to dismiss)

After reinforcing 4 times, unlocking Capital Research from Base 5 and when in a Capital Ship, sector density will disappear, MEO Unbound researches will automatically max out and cannot be improved further, giving these values:

  • Salvage Gain x2.50e31
  • Synth Speed x3.95e9
  • Max Void Power x6.00e37
  • Void Power Generation x4.00e31
  • Shard Drop Rate x8.60e12
  • Bonus to Research x7.90e30

These values are the about the same as 1e145 research and will greatly improve your progression speed for several sectors.

Specimen Research[edit | edit source]

Major Spoilers for R4, Sectors 92+ (click here to dismiss)

Specimen research is unlocked by reinforcing 4 times, then reaching sector 92. There are five branches of specimen research: Zephyrion, Yttaldar, Xyloquant, Wraithtex, and Verdanix. After unlocking specimen research, veiled enemimes will drop specimens, the type of which depending on sector. All research for that specific type of specimen will make progress at the same time and they can all be leveled repeatedly. Specimen research gain is multiplied by the specimen amount. Data core bonuses apply to specimen research with the same formula as capital research, and material, energy, and observational research bonuses apply at a reduced rate.

All specimen researches are self-multiplicative except for Speed Tech, Rank Tech, and Deep Scan Tech, which are self-additive.


Battle Tech 2.00e8*2tier

Battle Tech All Capital Damage x1.01
All Capital Max Shields x1.01

Specimen Gain Tech 5.00e8*10tier

Specimen Gain Tech Specimen Gain Bonus x1.25

Speed Tech 1.00e9*50tier

Speed Tech Compute Fighter Speed Tier Scale Delay +1


Battle Tech 2.00e8*2tier

Battle Tech All Capital Damage x1.01
All Capital Max Shields x1.01

Siphon Tech 5.00e8*10tier

Siphon Tech Siphoning Multiplier x1.05

Rank Tech 1.00e9*50tier

Rank Tech Rank Scaling Delay +1


Battle Tech 2.00e8*2tier

Battle Tech All Capital Damage x1.01
All Capital Max Shields x1.01

Pierce Tech Tech 5.00e8*10tier

Pierce Tech Tech Veil Piercer Charge Rate x1.025

Warp Tech 1.00e9*50tier

Warp Tech Warp Essence Gain Multiplier x1.2


Battle Tech 2.00e8*2tier

Battle Tech All Capital Damage x1.01
All Capital Max Shields x1.01

Deep Scan Tech 5.00e8*10tier

Deep Scan Tech Rare Chance x1.025

OD Charge Tech 1.00e9*50tier

OD Charge Tech Overdrive Charging Speed x1.2


Battle Tech 2.00e8*2tier

Battle Tech All Capital Damage x1.01
All Capital Max Shields x1.01

Specimen Research Tech 5.00e8*10tier

Specimen Research Tech Bonus to Specimen Research x1.25

Fixture Tech 1.00e9*50tier

Fixture Tech All Capital Fixture Creation Speed x1.25

Specimen drop in the following sectors:

Zephyrion Yttaldar Xyloquant Wraithtex Verdanix
92 4 - - - -
93 - 4 - - -
94 - - 4 - -
95A/B - - - 4 -
96 - - - - 4
97A 200 - 200 - 200
97B 200 200 - 200 -
98A 250 - 500 - 500
98B 250 500 - 500 -
99 400 400 400 400 400
100 400 400 400 400 400
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