Official Unnamed Space Idle Wiki
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The Core screen

Core is one of the systems in Unnamed Space Idle and the main use for salvage throughout the game. Here players can invest salvage to level up their selected weapons, shields and utility.

Each core has up to 10 upgrade-milestones, granting them additional perks that make them significantly stronger, or change how they work. Some of these milestones have 2 options, only one of which can be selected at any time.

Selecting the right milestones is essential to creating good builds and progressing in the game.

Weapons[edit | edit source]

Weapons (also called Turrets) are probably the most essential part of the ship, since they are what deals damage to enemies. There are many different weapons in the game, with vastly different usecases. Equipping the right weapons for the right sections of the game is vitally important.

  • Laser Cannon
    Each level grants a flat damage increase
  • 10

    Laser Boost Unlocks the Laser Boost ability
    Damage x1.1

  • 20

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Laser Boost Cooldown Laser Boost Cooldown -10

  • 30

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Laser Boost Cooldown Laser Boost Cooldown -10

  • 40

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Shield Damage Synergy All Shield Damage + 20%

  • 50

    Rapid Fire Tick Rate x1.15

    Laser Boost Power Laser Boost Power + 75%

  • 60

    Improved Tracking +0.1% Damage per wave cleared. Soft cap at 1,000 waves cleared.

  • 70

    General Purpose Damage x1.2
    Fire Rate x1.2

    Supportive Routing Damage x0.4
    All Laser Damage x1.3

  • 80

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

  • 95

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Shield Damage Synergy All Shield Damage + 20%

  • 110

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

  • Gatling Laser
    Each level grants a flat damage increase
  • 10

    Laser Boost Unlocks the Laser Boost ability
    Damage x1.1

  • 20

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Laser Boost Duration Laser Boost Duration +5

  • 30

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Laser Boost Duration Laser Boost Duration +5

  • 40

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Fire Rate Synergy All Fire Rate + 10%
    All Tick Rate +10%

  • 50

    Rapid Fire Tick Rate x1.15

    Laser Boost Power Laser Boost Power + 75%

  • 60

    Improved Tracking +0.1% Damage per wave cleared. Soft cap at 1,000 waves cleared.

  • 70

    Hail Storm Fire Rate x1.75
    Damage x0.75

    CQC Max Range -50
    Damage x2

  • 80

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

  • 95

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Fire Rate Synergy All Fire Rate + 10%
    All Tick Rate +10%

  • 110

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Snipe Max Range + 75

  • Charge Laser
    Each level grants a flat damage increase
  • 10

    Laser Boost Unlocks the Laser Boost ability
    Damage x1.1

  • 20

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Laser Boost Cooldown Laser Boost Cooldown -10

  • 30

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Snipe Max Range + 50

  • 40

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Range Synergy All Max Range + 5%

  • 50

    Rapid Fire Tick Rate x1.15

    Laser Boost Power Laser Boost Power + 75%

  • 60

    Improved Tracking +0.1% Damage per wave cleared. Soft cap at 1,000 waves cleared.

  • 70

    Rapid Prep Charge Time x0.65
    Fire Rate x1.6
    Damage x0.8

    Big Hitter Damage x2.2
    Fire Rate x0.8
    Charge Time x1.2

  • 80

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

  • 95

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Range Synergy All Max Range + 5%

  • 110

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

  • Beam Laser
    Each level grants a flat damage increase
  • 10

    Laser Boost Unlocks the Laser Boost ability
    Damage x1.1

  • 20

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Laser Boost Cooldown Laser Boost Cooldown -10

  • 30

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Concentrated Beam Damage Ramp Time x0.75

  • 40

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Shield Damage Synergy All Shield Damage + 20%

  • 50

    Rapid Ticks Tick Rate x1.15

    Laser Boost Power Laser Boost Power + 75%

  • 60

    Improved Tracking +0.1% Damage per wave cleared. Soft cap at 1,000 waves cleared.

  • 70

    Rapid Ramp Damage x1.25
    Damage Ramp Time x0.5
    Connect Start Time + 1

    Mass Focuser Damage x8
    Damage Ramp Time x1.5
    Tick Rate x0.5

  • 80

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

  • 95

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Rapid Charge Charge Time x0.5

  • 110

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Concentrated Beam Damage Ramp Time x0.75

  • Kinetic Cannon
    Each level grants a flat damage increase
  • 10

    Kinetic Volley Unlocks the Kinetic Volley ability
    Damage x1.1

  • 20

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Kinetic Volley Cooldown Kinetic Volley Cooldown x0.7

  • 30

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Emp Mode Shield Damage x1.75

  • 40

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Armor Damage Synergy All Shield Damage + 20%

  • 50

    Rapid Fire Fire Rate x1.15

    Kinetic Volley Power Kinetic Volley Power + 100%

  • 60

    Improved Tracking +0.1% Damage per wave cleared. Soft cap at 1,000 waves cleared.

  • 70

    Armor Piercing Armor Damage x1.6
    Fire Rate x1.33

    Fire Support Damage x0.4
    All Kinetic Damage x1.3

  • 80

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

  • 95

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Armor Damage Synergy All Armor Damage +20%

  • 110

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Emp Mode Shield Damage x1.75

  • Bomb Launcher
    Each level grants a flat damage increase
  • 10

    Kinetic Volley Unlocks the Kinetic Volley ability
    Damage x1.1

  • 20

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Kinetic Volley Cooldown Kinetic Volley Cooldown x0.7

  • 30

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Launch Power Projectile Speed x2

  • 40

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Range Synergy All Max Range +5%

  • 50

    Rapid Fire Fire Rate x1.15

    Kinetic Volley Power Kinetic Volley Power + 100%

  • 60

    Improved Tracking +0.1% Damage per wave cleared. Soft cap at 1,000 waves cleared.

  • 70

    Propelled Bombs Fire Rate x1.33
    Projectile Speed x2

    Mega Bombs Damage x2.2
    Fire Rate x0.8

  • 80

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

  • 95

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Range Synergy All Max Range + 5%

  • 110

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

  • Missile Launcher
    Each level grants a flat damage increase
  • 10

    Kinetic Volley Unlocks the Kinetic Volley ability
    Damage x1.1

  • 20

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Kinetic Volley Cooldown Kinetic Volley Cooldown x0.7

  • 30

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Target Refinement Max Targets + 1

  • 40

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Fire Rate Synergy All Fire Rate +10%
    All Tick Rate +10%

  • 50

    Rapid Fire Fire Rate x1.15

    Kinetic Volley Power Kinetic Volley Power + 100%

  • 60

    Improved Tracking +0.1% Damage per wave cleared. Soft cap at 1,000 waves cleared.

  • 70

    Mass Barrage Damage x0.65
    Max Targets x2

    Empowered Missiles Max Targets -2
    Fire Rate x1.5
    Damage x1.75

  • 80

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

  • 95

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Fire Rate Synergy All Fire Rate +10%
    All Tick Rate +10%

  • 110

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Launch Power Projectile Speed x1.3

  • Disruption Charge
    Each level grants a flat damage increase
  • 10

    Kinetic Volley Unlocks the Kinetic Volley ability
    Damage x1.1

  • 20

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Kinetic Volley Cooldown Kinetic Volley Cooldown x0.65

  • 30

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Extended Duration Num. Ticks + 1

  • 40

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Armor Damage Synergy All Armor Damage + 20%

  • 50

    Rapid Fire Fire Rate x1.15

    Kinetic Volley Power Kinetic Volley Power + 100%

  • 60

    Improved Tracking +0.1% Damage per wave cleared. Soft cap at 1,000 waves cleared.

  • 70

    Extra Disruption Fire Rate x1.5
    Damage x0.7
    Num. Ticks x2

    Rapid Nuke Damage x2.75
    Tick Rate x2
    Num. Ticks -2

  • 80

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

  • 95

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

    Target Splitting Max Targets + 1
    Damage x0.5

  • 110

    Weapon Power Damage x1.25

Shields[edit | edit source]

Shields allow the ship to take some damage before retreating once they reach 0. There are currently 3 different types of normal shields in the game, which all have different mechanics. Damage dealt to the player is split between all equipped shields.

  • Continuous Generator
    Each level grants a flat shield increase
  • 10

    Shield Boost Unlocks the Shield Boost ability
    Max Shields x1.1

  • 20

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.25

    Shield Boost Cooldown Shield Boost Cooldown x0.75

  • 30

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.25

    Shield Boost Duration Shield Boost Duration +2.5

  • 40

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.25

  • 50

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.25

    Shield Boost Cooldown Shield Boost Cooldown x0.75

  • 60

    Ablative Shielding +0.1% Max Shields per wave cleared. Soft cap at 1,000 waves cleared.

  • 70

    Output Maxing Shield Regen x0.5
    Max Shields x2.1

    Condensed Shields Shield Regen x2
    Max Shields x0.67

  • 80

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.25

  • 95

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.25

  • 110

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.25

The Continuous Generator is the first shield and unlocked from the start. It regenerates quickly and can even heal through heavy fire.

  • Bulk Generator
    Each level grants a flat shield increase
  • 10

    Shield Boost Unlocks the Shield Boost ability
    Max Shields x1.1

  • 20

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.25

    Faster Regen Start Improved Shield Regen Delay x0.5

  • 30

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.25

    Shield Boost Duration Shield Boost Duration +2.5

  • 40

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.25

    Shield Regen Rate Improved Shield Regen x1.5

  • 50

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.25

    Shield Boost Cooldown Shield Boost Cooldown x0.75

  • 60

    Ablative Shielding +0.1% Max Shields per wave cleared. Soft cap at 1,000 waves cleared.

  • 70

    Bulwark Max Shields x1.75
    Improved Shield Regen Delay x1.33

    Quick Recovery Max Shields x0.67
    Improved Shield Regen Delay x0.5
    Improved Shield Regen x1.5

  • 80

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.25

  • 95

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.25

  • 110

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.25

The Bulk Generator is the second shield and unlocked upon beating sector 15. It has much higher shield values than the Continuous Generator, at the cost of not regenerating unless not hit for a few seconds.

  • Deflector Shield
    Levels have no effect other than unlocking milestones
  • 1

    Recharge Speed Defensive Recharge Time -0.5

  • 2

    Bonus Proc Buildup Defensive Bonus Proc Buildup +0.025

  • 3

    Recharge Speed Defensive Recharge Time -1

    Bonus Proc Buildup Defensive Bonus Proc Buildup +0.05

  • 4

    Recharge Speed Defensive Recharge Time -0.5

  • 5

    Bonus Proc Buildup Defensive Bonus Proc Buildup +0.025

  • 6

    Extra Charge Max Defensive Charges +1
    Defensive Recharge Time x0.5

    Rapid Build Defensive Bonus Proc Buildup +0.1

The Deflector unlocks upon beating sector 44. It doesn't provide traditional shields and will instead block any shot that would take more than a certain percentage of the players shields, after which it needs to recharge. This percentage can be set similar to how targeting options can be modified. At least one Continuous or Bulk Generator needs to be equipped next to the Deflector(s).

After the Deflector has been leveled up to level 2, every hit will also fill up a "Bonus Proc" bar. Once this is filled, the next shot will be blocked regardless of its damage and without consuming the Deflectors charge.

Utilities[edit | edit source]

Utility cores are support cores that allow the player to boost specific systems. Equipping the right utility cores is an important part of focusing and will help the player progress further.

  • Advanced Computer Lab
    Each level grants a flat Compute Speed increase
  • 20

    Improved Power Conversion Significantly reduces the cost of the Computation Power upgrade

  • 40

    Improved Compute Power All Compute Power x1.5

  • 60

    Improved Levels All Compute Levels Gained + 0.5

  • 80

    Improved Compute Speed All Compute Speed x1.25

  • Advanced Synth Station
    Each level grants a flat Synth Speed increase
  • 20

    Improved Synth Speed All Synth Speed x1.5

  • 40

    Improved Output All Synth Base Output + 1

  • 60

    Improved Synth Speed All Synth Speed x1.5

  • 80

    Improved XP Gain All Synth XP multiplier + 1

  • Enhanced Reactor
    Each level grants a percentile Void Power Generation increase
  • 20

    + 1 Max Running Before Penalty All Max Concurrent boosts + 1

  • 40

    Improved Void Power Max All Max Void Power x10

  • 60

    Increased Void Power from Energy Voids All Energy Void Power Gain x4

  • 80

    Improved Void Power Generation All Void Power Generation x10

  • Research Station
    Each level grants a flat Focused Research increase
  • 20

    Improved Research All Bonus to Research x2

  • 40

    Focused Research+ All Bonus to Focused Research x4

  • 60

    Improved Research All Bonus to Research x2

  • 80

    Focused Research+ All Bonus to Focused Research x4

  • Resource Refinery
    Each level grants a percentile increase to Salvage Amount, Void Matter Drop Rate and Shard Drop Rate
  • 20

    Improved Collectors All Salvage Amount Multiplier x4

  • 40

    Void Matter Harnessing All Void Matter Drop Amount x3

  • 60

    Shard Condensing All Shard Drop Rate x2

  • 80

    Precision Collection All Salvage Amount Multiplier x2
    All Void Matter Drop Amount x1.5
    All Shard Drop Rate x2

Capital Cores[edit | edit source]

Major Spoilers for Sectors 75+ (click here to dismiss)

Capital cores are a special type of core that can only be equipped on capital ships. There are capital weapons, shields, utilities, and hangar bays.

Capital Weapons

Capital weapons are used for attacking enemy capital ships, since standard weapons cannot hit them. They cost Pulverium to upgrade.

  • Capital Laser
    Each level grants a flat damage increase
  • 10

    Adaptive Damage 1.2x Damage per OOM of Total Capital Disables starting at 10

  • 20

    Weapon Power Damage x1.5

    Target Adaptation Shot Scaling x1.2

  • 30

    Weapon Power Damage x1.5

    Rapid Discharge Charge Time -1
    Fire Rate x1.5

  • 40

    Weapon Power Damage x1.5

  • 50

    Weapon Power Damage x1.5

  • 60

    Exploitation Vulnerable Target Damage Multiplier x1.5

    Reliability Healthy Target Damage Multiplier x2

  • 70

    Weapon Power Damage x1.5

  • 80

    Weapon Power Damage x1.5

    One-Shot Mode Damage x2.5
    Charge Time x2
    Fire Rate x0.5

  • 90

    Weapon Power Damage x1.5

  • Burst Cannon
    Each level grants a flat damage increase
  • 10

    Adaptive Damage 1.2x Damage per OOM of Total Capital Disables starting at 10

  • 20

    Weapon Power Damage x1.5

    Target Adaptation Shot Scaling x1.05

  • 30

    Weapon Power Damage x1.5

    Burst Enlargement Burst Fire +1

  • 40

    Weapon Power Damage x1.5

  • 50

    Weapon Power Damage x1.5

  • 60

    Exploitation Vulnerable Target Damage Multiplier x1.5

    Reliability Healthy Target Damage Multiplier x2

  • 70

    Weapon Power Damage x1.5

  • 80

    Weapon Power Damage x1.5

    Rapid Barrage Damage x0.5
    Burst Fire +1
    Charge Time x0.5
    Fire Rate x1.5

  • 90

    Weapon Power Damage x1.5

Capital Shields

Capital shields are needed in order to take damage from enemy capital ships without immediately retreating. Once either the standard or capital shields reach 0, the player will be forced to emergency retreat. Capital shields cost Fortifium to upgrade.

  • Capital Shield
    Each level grants a flat shield increase
  • 10

    Adaptive Shields 1.2x Max Shields per OOM of Total Capital Disables starting at 10

  • 20

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.5

  • 30

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.5

  • 40

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.5

  • 50

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.5

  • 60

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.5

  • 70

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.5

  • 80

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.5

  • 90

    Shield Durability Max Shields x1.5

Hangar Bays

Hangar Bays spawn fighters which target parts of enemy capital ships to break them and gain advanced resources from them. They cost both Pulverium and Fortifium to upgrade.

  • Fighter Bay
    Levels have no effect other than unlocking milestones
  • 1

    Damage Tuning Fighter Damage +0.2

    Spawn Time Fighter Spawn Time -5

  • 2

    Hull Enhancement Fighter Durability +15

    Collection Scoops Fighter Efficiency +0.25

  • 3

    Improved Fighters Fighter Damage +0.2
    Fighter Durability +5
    Fighter Maneuverability +1

  • 4

    Thruster Power Fighter Speed x1.1

  • 5

    Damage Tuning Fighter Damage +0.2

    Stay On Target Fighter Strafing Speed x0.75

  • 6

    Improved Fighters Fighter Damage +0.2
    Fighter Durability +5

  • Agile Fighter Bay
    Levels have no effect other than unlocking milestones
  • 1

    Hull Enhancement Fighter Durability +0.5

    Advanced Maneuvering Jets Fighter Maneuverability +100

  • 2

    Damage Tuning Fighter Damage +0.2

  • 3

    Rapid Approach Fighter Strafing Speed x1.5
    Fighter Damage +0.2

    Thruster Power Fighter Speed x1.1

  • 4

    Improved Fighters Fighter Damage +0.2
    Fighter Durability +0.2
    Fighter Maneuverability +50

  • 5

    Range Extension Fighter Weapon Range x1.2

    Stay On Target Fighter Strafing Speed x0.75

  • 6

    Damage Tuning Fighter Damage +0.2

    Hull Enhancement Fighter Durability +0.5

Capital Utilities

Just like S. utilities, capital utilities are support cores that boost specific systems. They cost Adaptium to upgrade.

  • Crew Quarters
    Each level grants a stat scaling delay
  • 10

    Acumen Study All Acumen Stat Scaling Delay +20

  • 20

    Proficiency Study All Proficiency Stat Scaling Delay +20

  • 30

    Engineering Study All Engineering Stat Scaling Delay +20

  • 40

    Ingenuity Study All Ingenuity Stat Scaling Delay +20

  • 50

    Secondary Study All Secondary Stat Scaling Delay +30

  • Veil Piercer
    Each level grants a veil piercer charge rate increase
  • 10

    Resource Siphoning All Pulverium Siphoning +90
    All Fortifium Siphoning +90
    All Adaptium Siphoning +90
    All Void Matter Siphoning +90

    Synth Siphoning All Synth and Fixture Siphoning +90

  • 20

    Pierce Boost All Veil Piercer Charge Rate x1.25

  • 30

    Warp Siphoning All Warp Core Siphoning +30

    Base Siphoning All Base Siphoning +30

  • 40

    Siphoning Boost All Siphoning Multiplier x1.15

  • 50

    Precision Detection All Rare Chance +0.5

  • 60

    Overdrive Siphoning All Overdrive Siphoning +10

The Veil Piercer is special in that it does not directly boost any single system. Instead, it adds a new charge bar to the battlefield that automatically fills up in any sector at or above 92. Once this bar is filled, a portal will appear which can either be clicked manually, or will automatically be triggered after a few seconds, spawning a Veiled Enemy with no combat abilities. This enemy can be destroyed in order to drop certain shards - particularly key shards. Additionally, in reinforce 4 or higher, they will also drop specimen.


If the Veil Piercer is at least level 10, each killed veiled enemy will also grant siphoning, which are timeskips of several seconds to the selected system. The different siphoning upgrades are:

Battle Focus

Battle Focus is unlocked on reaching sector 77. Battle Focus does not occupy any core slots and is instead a slider that can trade S. stats for more capital stats and vice versa. One of the stats can be increased up to 1.99x, resulting in 0.01x in the other.

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